So with the power of dua anak raja .. come to happy ending where they dapat first anak perempuan and after bertahun tahun a..adalah 3 years macam tu.. si huzimelakatan and azaksabahan realized their anak got power.. super power... and bring the anak to test power lah..
The anak name huzakphoebetan tak disangka sangka berdiri di tengah center padang .. and then try to show some of her super power..
arrrh.. that night.. si anak quite happy sikit lah. ..dengan menggunakan special gadget.. she can see thru anything and everythings... but then dia punya mama and papa tak setujulah..sebab boleh see everythings and anythings ohh.. dangerouslah.. no private siii... last.. that malam ..huzakphoebetan dapat power yang dinanti nantikan...super power spidergirl.... anak ask si mama untuk bentuk satu team .. super power team... on hari tu.. they are one team.. so si father so scare si father ask and pujuk si mama untuk produce another anak power..... so after agreed berlakulah.. cinta cinta..ehh ahh..uhh ahh..aaahhhhh.... dapat lah.. anak untuk team si father....
....cakk.. call huzakshawntan... immediately..lah si father test some power of the anak macam cerita cartoon..
...apabila si bapak tanya si anak apa power yang si anak ada.. si anak ketawa...( kurang asam )..
so tak lama lepas tu.. si papa bawak si anak to one place .. and give some tonic for starting...after some minutes.. the anak huzakshawntan sudah show some powers..
1 comment:
hehehe nice cerita ! sambung more ok ? ;D
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