Friday, December 25, 2009


..i was in lokkawi for holidays and in front of my MIL house got this so call beach and there is so many crabs ( mini ) crawling along the beach site. i just catch one and give a photo session with this guy and looks like he quite good on that... i taken quite many photos of this guy..but just let view one of it..lah. okey.


zzkang said...

great 1...

u upgraded your camera?? :D

X-men said...

nolah... still my prosumer olympus....:-D

zzkang said...

time to upgrade...

E620 wit twin kits is a super great camera...n also cheap... :D

X-men said...

will think about it... money is a concern. pray i would strike toto or magnum..

zzkang said...


had updated my blog...pls pay a visit there..ok??

Thanks ya!!